Thursday, April 14, 2016

What to Look For in the Democratic Debate

Bernie Sanders deserves a lot of credit for focusing on topics, which have always been tabu among "establishment" politicians, and for embracing his "social democratic" background - perhaps after this election Americans will have learned enough not to equate "socialism" with "communism", something I, as a life-long Social Democrat in the German tradition, have been hoping for for years.

However, Bernie Sanders should be extremely thankful, that he will NOT become the Democratic candidate, and even more, that he will NOT be elected President.

François Hollande, President of France and a socialist of long standing, won his election by making outrageous promises to the French people, which even to an interested outside observer were completely unachievable. Bernie Sanders is making the same kind of unattainable promises ("We WILL break up the big banks", "We WILL implement Medicate for all", "We WILL have tuition free higher education for all", "We WILL reverse Citizens United"). None of his 25 years in Congress have shown ANY ability to implement such sweeping changes in America.

France, and Hollande, have a long history with Socialism, while most Americans still subliminally equate it with Communism. But even in France, Hollande could not achieve his policy proposals and he has now become pretty much of a joke in France.

If Sanders were to win, that would set back Americans' acceptance of social democratic ideals and goals, because he would end up a complete failure.

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