Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Comment on: "Google’s War Over the Sexes", by Ross Douthat


As so often, Douthat misses his own point. Of course there are differences between the sexes. Societies, however, are changing such that in many, if not most, areas "female" qualities have advantages. We no longer live in a world where male physical strength and aggressiveness are needed for survival. Already an increasing number of "households" are supported primarily by females; including single-mother households, they probably dominate. There are already more female college graduates than male, and women now often have the better earning potential.

As a society we need to acknowledge the differences and encourage lifestyles and policies which allow both sexes to make optimal contributions to the rapidly changing needs of society in general. Men are largely fighting a rear-guard battle, trying to protect as much of their historical prerogatives. Just look at the arrogance with which male members of Congress treat their female colleagues, while at the same time the only two GOP Senators who showed guts and consistency during the Health Care debate were women, while the men proved to be cowering cowards, afraid to stand up to the super-bully McConnell.

The disadvantages women have are mostly due to the irresponsibility of men, in family planning/birth control, child care, household chores. So, since men will not share equally in these responsibilities, society needs to give women the tools to compensate for the male irresponsibilities - examples: Family Planning, guaranteed child care.

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