Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Comment on: "The Milquetoast Radicals" by David Brooks

for the original Brooks column.

Mr. Brooks, it is indeed a 99% vs 1% problem. All the valid policy imperatives you enumerate (\"Do tax reform, fiscal reform, education reform and political reform so that when the economy finally does recover the prosperity is deep, broad and strong\") to get the country out of the doldrums are exactly the steps being blocked by a GOP which has been completely hijacked by a minority of radical conservatives whose only policy goal is the \"ensure that Obama fails\" (as opposed to ensuring that the country succeeds).
The 1% are in possession of the vast majority of wealth, and thus, given the PAC and Lobby-driven nature of the US political system, hold virtually all economic and political power.
The Occupy Wall Street protests are an expression of frustration with the government and the 1% power-elite which controls it, not much different from the Tea Party before it was hijacked by conservative PACs.
Our current political problems are indeed like \"declaring war on some nefarious elite\", just like the American Revolution declaring war on the nefarious British Crown, with actions like the original Boston Tea Party...

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