Sunday, October 16, 2011

Comment on: "America’s ‘Primal Scream’" by Nicholas Kristof

for the original opinion piece by Kristof.
This is an excellent piece in that it is one of the few instances, news or opinion piece, which has correctly described the odd dichotomy of many Americans - they recognize and empathize when citizens in other countries are oppressed (such as during the \"Arab Spring\"), but (for the most part) they allow themselves to be taken in by the Republican dogma that asking for a more equal distribution of economic and political power in the US is somehow \"class warfare\".
The critique of the 99% vs 1% distribution is absolutely on target: wealth = power in the US form of democracy. And this unequal distribution will ultimately lead to the death of American democracy unless we as a people find the means and the will to reverse the trend of ever more concentration of wealth and power within a smaller and smaller oligarchy.
This deadly trend of concentrating wealth and power in the top 1% started with Reagan and accelerated to unbelievable proportions during the Bush (W) administration. This was the real "class warfare" and it successfully decimated, if not outright killed, the broad American middle class. The Republican intransigence against any form of of tax increases for the top 1% in order to reverse this deadly concentration of wealth and power is the stranglehold which will choke the life out of American democracy.

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