Thursday, September 19, 2013

Comment on: "Fawzia’s Choice", by Nicholas Kristof, NYT, Sept 19, 2013

For original editorial, see:

Congratulations Mr. Kristof, you seem to have come back to your senses:
"We may not be able to solve Syria’s problems. I’m not even certain that we can mitigate them. But we can try, and a starting point would be a big push for humanitarian access."

However, I'm shocked that as a "journalist" you are still engaging in "war-mongering". You cite completely unverified reports of atrocities by one side as a way to further your arguments that the US should, for example, launch "...military strike to destroy some of Assad’s murderous air force." I am pretty sure these atrocities are happening, but not only by Assad's side. Even the NYT has reported on atrocities by the "rebels", whoever they are.

I don't know how intelligent people like you can keep clamoring for military action, when we have ample evidence to show that even ten years of war, with ample "boots on the ground", cannot stop the senseless killings in the Middle East - and don't tell me about Kosovo; that's a completely different situation!

Many of our "experts" talk about the "Free Syrian Army" as if this were some well defined, well organized group that, but for a few arms from the US, could bring peace and stability to Syria. That is such a dumb proposition, it leaves one speechless!

We have to face the fact that the sectarian and religious slaughter now going on in the Middle East is like a virus before antibiotics - we can ease some of the symptoms (give aid to the refugees), but it has to run its course.

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