Saturday, September 21, 2013

Comment on: "Good Populism, Bad Populism", by Ross Douthat, NYT, Sept 21, 2013

For original editorial, see

I have long admired the Pauls, father and son, for their stand on the Middle East wars - stop them now, and don't start any new ones.

It is also heartening if a Republican actually, truly comes up with budget proposals which do not eviscerate the middle class and the poor. 

You complain that these Republican proposals did not make the news. But remember that this is the same news cycle during which the Republican House cut the food stamp program by $40 billion, at a time when more and more people depend on this program, through little or no fault of their own, for survival. And, having not learned anything from the previous trip down this road, the Republicans are still trying to defund Obama Care (how many votes have they now had on this? while at the same time leaving urgent matters - like a budget - undone), and again using the debt limit as an artificial wedge in this effort.

You, Mr. Douthat, obviously suffer from desperation and wishful thinking, much like a relative visiting the home of a pathological boarder and, finding a tiny spot in the living room where the floor is actually visible, comes to the conclusion that "thinks are getting better.

Add to all the other deficiencies of Republicans today, as evidenced by what is actually happening in The House, the now obviously incompetent leadership in both the House and the Senate.

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