Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Making of an Imperial President

NOV. 22, 2014

This whole notion of an "imperial presidency" is complete nonsense. It is the typical hyperbole Republicans always employ in order to deflect from their abject incompetence. Just as the hype and political posturing of the GOP about Benghazi has been shown to be utter nonsense, (kudos to the GOP led commission, which had the courage and integrity to publish an honest report), this imperial nonsense is aimed at distracting from the inability of the GOP to muster a legislative program that can get support even within their own fractured caucus.

A country as large and powerful as the US needs a functioning government - the US is a joke among Europeans for its inability to pass even basic legislation to attack any of its multiple serious problems. Congress has proven itself to be completely inept, and even after their electoral victories, the GOP cannot muster a cohesive legislative program (where are the "reform conservatives?). In that situation it is natural, even necessary, for the president to push the limits of his authority in order to move the country forward.
The main reason the GOP is foaming at the mouth about President Obama's actions is that they are completely incapable of presenting a legislative program. They could short circuit the President's actions by passing one of the many legislative proposals for immigration reform, even if it is done piecemeal. But their incompetent leadership can think of nothing better than to threaten to shutdown government altogether.

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