Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Triumph of the Wrong

NOV. 6, 2014

While I agree with the substance of Prof. Krugman's commentary, i.e. the GOP was/is wrong in virtually all its problem assessments and policy proposals, we must remember that they, indeed, achieved a resounding electoral victory, both on the local and national levels. And in a democracy, which we still sotra, kinda are (or claim to be), that is what counts.

Democrats/liberals/progressives must avoid falling into the "we're right/you're wrong" obstinence trap, which the GOP demonstrated so abysmally during the past six years, and instead cooperate on issues vital to the US (immigration, health care, reducing inequality, revitalizing the middle class, etc.) even if the policies put forward by the GOP are not ideal. For example, if "tax reform" comes to mean just simplifying the tax code and eliminating some of the most egregious loop holes, but does not include rebalancing the tax burden in favor of the lower and middle class. let's support it anyway. If immigration reform falls short of allowing the 10 or so million "illegals" to emerge from underground, let's support it anyway. Even small, incremental, non-optimum steps are preferable to the complete log-jam we have experienced in the past decade.

There is one area where I would absolutely draw the line, however, and that is the ACA. If the GOP continues their insane attacks against the demonstrable benefits of ACA, the President should use his full veto power to stop such moves.

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