Monday, February 8, 2016

Bill Clinton Unleashes Stinging Attack on Bernie Sanders

FEB. 7, 2016

We need to introduce reality into the analysis on Senator Sanders' campaign promises, but I'm not sure Bill's impassioned comments are helpful in that regard.

Sanders, on the left, is using the mirror image of the same frustration which Donald Duck is using on the right, and using meaningless slogans to fire up his supporters. Sander's promises ("I WILL break up the big banks", "I WILL end income and wealth inequality", "I WILL implement Medicare for all") are just as cynically unrealistic as Donald Duck's promise to "build a wall and have Mexico pay for it".

The Sanders' "revolution" is a complete mirage - we are still a representative democracy - just calling for a "social revolution" is cynical nonsense without the years of hard work to make it happen; his many many years in Congress are far short of actually working on a revolution. His much recited tenure as chairman of the VA committee was a complete flop in terms of "revolutionary change"; at best it was a compromise to fix some of the worst problems, and even Sanders admits it was too little, too late.

Even worse, as part of his revolutionary rhetoric (because he KNOWS it cannot be implemented), Sanders is calling for mob rule. Here an excerpt from the most recent Democratic Debate in NH:
"No, you just can’t negotiate with Mitch McConnell. Mitch is gonna have to look out the window and see a whole lot of people saying, 'Mitch, stop representing the billionaire class. Start listening to working families.' "

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