Saturday, February 13, 2016

When Hillary Clinton Killed Feminism

Maureen Dowd, Feb. 13, 2016

Feminism is a side show in this election. It is certainly true that Millennials (meaningless and simplistic label) see the world much differently than the "feminists" of 50 years ago. Women today can assume for themselves opportunities and rights which women of 50 years ago could only dream about and had to fight for.

What characterizes primary voters both right an left is their frustration with government which seems not to be able to govern anymore. Judging by "people on the street" interviews, primary voters on both sides and of ALL ages are looking for simplistic answers, which Trump/Cruz on the right and Bernie Sanders on the left are providing.

Ignoring the GOP primaries, because, quite frankly, they are embarrassing, on the Democratic side, for all the balcony about Hillary Clintons untrustworthiness and dishonesty, she is the one who is actually trying to provide honest assessments of what needs to be done and how it can possibly be done.

This, of course, is boring compared to Bernie Sanders' simplistic slogans ("we WILL break up the big banks", "we WILL provide free college for all", "we WILL implement Medicare for all", etc.). But these claims are fraudulent. His Congressional record is anything but "revolutionary", accomplishing nothing. His health care plan is so full of optimistic and unrealistic assumptions as to be laughable - Hillary Clinton knows more about single payer health care plans, and knows first hand the difficulty of implementing it.

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